The Touring Finance and Logistics Wondertool

Bee Knows What's
Through detailed data science and refined machine learning processes, The Bee knows what music is popular and where. It targets an underserved marketplace and fills in the gaps.
Social, Engaging, and Sharable
A concert event can be created, shared, and promoted. Fans have social incentive to engage and can connect directly with the artists.
Transparent, Secure, and
Each party knows what they will make from an event and when they will get paid. Each ticketing and merchandising deal is upfront with the fan.
Charles Twitchell​
Charles' life and career have been about organizing people and defending the western ideals of individualism, self-sustainability, and self-determination. He views a world of democratized money as being a core component to upholding these values. He has fought for this vision in both the public and private sectors. A passionate and constant absorber of history and culture(and lover of pop music), he knows that ideas are what have ultimately led humanity throughout history. BackstageBee is an idea whose time has come.
BackstageBee's goal is to democratize touring finance and logistics and ultimately shift the economics of live concerts into the hands of the artist. We want up and coming artists to feel like they can take a risk. This is a complex and sophisticated problem to solve, but one that we think is also very fun and rewarding.

The Bee is an all in one platform that ultimately makes putting a tour together as simple as possible. We do this using a lot of proprietary refined data science, a passionate understanding of history and pop culture, plus a lot of caffeine. As much as humans can follow unpredictable music trends, you can still, to an extent, machine learn what concerts they go to. You can also make the concert marketplace many times more efficient.

For our latest Job offerings, please check out our current open positions on our Angelist page:
You may also contact us through this form.
In general, we are looking for talented full stack and data science developers. We also seek people experienced with concert promotions and the music industry in general.
Backstage Bee is committed to doing its part to promote a vibrant and inclusive tech community in Oakland. Aside from this goal, we also want you to demonstrate a passionate love for music(of any kind) and the struggles that independent artists face.
Tel: 555-867-5309
Ask for "Jenny"
101 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94607